Ebooks offer a range of advantages over traditional print books, which can explain why someone might prefer to create an ebook:

  1. Accessibility: Ebooks can be downloaded and read from anywhere in the world, providing global access to your content.
  2. Portability: Readers can carry hundreds of ebooks on a single device, making it a convenient option for those who travel or commute.
  3. Cost-effective: Ebooks often cost less to produce and distribute than printed books, which can make them more affordable for readers and more profitable for authors and publishers.
  4. Interactive Features: Ebooks can contain hyperlinks, interactive quizzes, embedded videos, and other multimedia features that enhance the reading experience.
  5. Adjustability: Readers can adjust the text size, font, and background color in an ebook to suit their preferences, which can make reading easier for people with vision impairments.
  6. Searchability: Ebooks can be searched for specific words or phrases, making it easy to locate specific information.
  7. Environmentally Friendly: Ebooks don’t require paper, ink, or physical transportation, making them a more environmentally friendly choice.
  8. Instant Delivery: Ebooks can be purchased and downloaded instantly, allowing readers to access new books the moment they’re released.
  9. Data Analysis: Ebooks allow publishers to gather data about reading habits, popular passages, and reader engagement, which can be useful for marketing and future book development.
  10. Updateability: If you need to update information in an ebook, you can do so easily and distribute the updated version without the costs associated with reprinting a physical book.

So, if a person or a company is looking to reach a wide audience, save on costs, provide an interactive reading experience, or make their content easily updateable, they might order an ebook design.