1. Copyright: Make sure you understand the basics of copyright law and how it applies to your work as a self-published author. Consider registering your copyright to protect your work and ensure that you receive credit for it. In most countries, as soon as you create an original work, such as a novel, you automatically have a copyright to that work.
  2. Trademark: If you’re using a pen name or logo for your author brand, consider trademarking it to protect your brand and prevent others from using it.
  3. Contracts: When working with editors, designers, and other professionals in the publishing process, make sure you have a clear and binding contract in place. This will help protect your interests and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  4. Permissions: If you’re using quotes, images, or other copyrighted material in your work, make sure you have the necessary permissions to use it.
  5. Liability: As a self-published author, you are responsible for the content of your work, so make sure you understand the legal implications of what you’re writing and take steps to protect yourself from liability.

By being aware of these legal considerations for self-publishing authors, you can ensure that your self-publishing journey is both successful and legally sound.