Book Cover Design
When it comes to book cover design, Riaan makes sure to harmonise the book cover and interior. Robert Bringhurst put it so succinctly in The Elements of Typographic Style: ‘discover the outer logic of the typography in the inner logic of the text’ he wrote. Riaan follows this approach not only for typography, but, book design as a whole, resulting in books with consistent style from the cover to the interior, all of which is based on the ‘inner logic of the text’. Described as ‘one of publishing’s strongest cover designers’ by HSRC‘s publishing team [Fri, 26 Mar 2021], Riaan’s approach is the same for academia, trade, or self-publishing. He employs this formula within the parameters of the publisher, author or series’ visual identity and house style.
Academic Book Cover Design

Trade Book Cover Design

Self-Publishing Book Cover Design



Self-publishing Book Cover Design- Free stock photography
- Free to professional paid typefaces
- Scrutiny of the literature analysis form which self-publishing authors fill out before commencement of the project
- A cover design that can go through as a yes
Self-publishing Book Cover Design- Professional paid stock photography or Riaan’s artwork
- Image rights discussion with photographer and a photo release form
- Professional paid typefaces
- Deep exploration of the subject matter through reading great parts of the manuscript
- Scrutiny of the literature analysis form which self-publishing authors fill out before commencement of the project
- Additional research such as target audience and other criteria as it emerges in the literature analysis form and in the duration of the project
- Riaan looks for the emotion/zeitgeist/essence in the manuscript and finds a way to communicate that graphically by means of a mood board
- A cover design that is unique and valuable and which suits the content, the genre, and the author’s visual identity.
Self-publishing Book Cover Design- Professional paid stock photography or Riaan’s custom artwork
- Image rights discussion with photographer and a photo release form
- Professional paid typefaces
- Exploration of the subject matter by skimming the manuscript
- Study of the literature analysis form which self-publishing authors fill out before the commencement of the project
- Riaan looks for the emotion/zeitgeist/essence in the manuscript and finds a way to communicate that graphically
- A cover design that suits the content, the genre, and the author’s visual identity
Self-publishing Book Cover Design Process
- The author sends an enquiry through the Enquiries page on this website stipulating the cover category he or she is interested in.
- In response to the enquiry, Riaan asks a number of questions about the manuscript through email. Riaan also requests the completion of a literature analysis form; fiction, non-fiction, wherein he asks more in-depth predetermined questions.
- Riaan sends a quote for approval.
- On approval, Riaan sends the invoice for a 50% deposit.
- Riaan requests the manuscript or a chapter so he can get a feel for and better understanding of the material.
- Once the deposit has been paid Riaan starts by acquainting himself with the material and while doing so creates approximately five thumbnail sketches of potential front covers and sends this to the author.
- The author makes a selection of 1 to 3 front cover options and makes a few design requests.
- Riaan creates a draft design for each cover option and presents this to the author.
- The author makes a final selection and makes design requests. Riaan reworks the draft design up to final cover design and presents this to the author.
- Riaan and the author refine the final cover design until the author is satisfied.
- Riaan sends the invoice for the remaining amount and receives the final payment.
- Riaan sends the final files to the author.
- After the manuscript has been typeset the cover spine can be calculated using the page count as well as paper type.
- Riaan adjusts the spine and resends the final cover. This cost is included in the cover design fee.
Book Cover Design
When it comes to book cover design, Riaan makes sure to harmonise the book cover and interior. Robert Bringhurst put it so succinctly in The Elements of Typographic Style: ‘discover the outer logic of the typography in the inner logic of the text’ he wrote. Riaan follows this approach not only for typography but, book design as a whole, resulting in a book with consistent style from the cover to the interior, all of which is based on the ‘inner logic of the text’. Described as ‘one of publishing’s strongest cover designers’ by HSRC‘s publishing team [Fri, 26 Mar 2021], Riaan’s approach is the same for academia, trade, or self-publishing and employs this formula within the parameters of the publisher, author or series’ visual identity and house style.
Academic Book Cover Design
Trade Book Cover Design

Book Cover Design

Book Cover Design Costs
Self-publishing Book Cover Design- Free stock photography
- Free to professional paid typefaces
- Scrutiny of the literature analysis form which self-publishing authors fill out before commencement of the project
- A cover design that can go through as a yes
Self-publishing Book Cover Design- Professional paid stock photography or Riaan’s custom artwork
- Image rights discussion with photographer and a photo release form
- Professional paid typefaces
- Deep exploration of the subject matter through reading great parts of the manuscript
- Study of the literature analysis form which self-publishing authors fill out before commencement of the project
- Riaan looks for the emotion/zeitgeist/essence in the manuscript and find a way to communicate that graphically
- A cover design that both suits the content, the genre, and the author’s visual identity
Self-publishing Book Cover Design- Professional paid stock photography or Riaan’s artwork
- Image rights discussion with photographer and a photo release form
- Professional paid typefaces
- Deep exploration of the subject matter through reading great parts of the manuscript
- Scrutiny of the literature analysis form which self-publishing authors fill out before commencement of the project
- Additional research such as target audience and other criteria as it emerges in the literature analysis form and in the duration of the project
- Riaan looks for the emotion/zeitgeist/essence in the manuscript and finds a way to communicate that graphically by means of a mood board
- A cover design that is unique and valuable and which suits the content, the genre, and the author’s visual identity.
Book Cover Design Process
- The author sends an enquiry through the Enquiries page on this website stipulating the cover category he or she is interested in.
- In response to the enquiry, Riaan asks a number of questions about the manuscript through email. Riaan also requests the completion of a literature analysis form; fiction, or non-fiction, wherein he asks more in-depth predetermined questions.
- Riaan sends a quote for approval.
- On approval, Riaan sends the invoice for a 50% deposit.
- Riaan requests the manuscript or a chapter so he can get a feel for and a better understanding of the material.
- Once the deposit has been paid Riaan starts by acquainting himself with the material and while doing so creates approximately five thumbnail sketches of potential front covers and sends this to the author.
- The author makes a selection of 1 to 3 front cover options and makes a few design requests.
- Riaan creates a draft design for each cover option and presents this to the author.
- The author makes a final selection and makes design requests. Riaan reworks the draft design up to the final cover design and presents this to the author.
- Riaan and the author refine the final cover design until the author is satisfied.
- Riaan sends the invoice for the remaining amount and receives the final payment.
- Riaan sends the final files to the author.
- After the manuscript has been typeset the cover spine can be calculated using the page count as well as paper type.
- Riaan adjusts the spine and resends the final cover. This cost is included in the cover design fee.